Multifamily Buildings
Two programs currently offer substantial rebates for energy efficiency and electrification upgrades in buildings with 5 or more units!
Available Rebates
The table below summarizes the incentives available from the above programs. Please note that the amounts listed below are maximums, and the full amount may not be available in all cases. More details on each program are listed below.
Any property with five or more dwellings in the nine county Bay Area is eligible to apply for rebates through BAMBE!
Through the BAMBE program, multifamily buildings are given the chance to receive free technical assistance to help you plan out what upgrades you want and what the process looks like to get those upgrades!
There is a base rebate available through BAMBE that offers $500 per unit for installing 2 or more upgrades, as long as they save 10% or more of the building's energy.
In addition to the base rebate, additional rebates (adders) are available for certain appliances including an in-unit heat pump water heater, an in-unit heat pump HVAC, an in-unit electric laundry dryer, and in-unit electric cooking.
Other areas that offer rebates are central system upgrades (water heater and HVAC), common area upgrades (HVAC, water heater, pool heater), and electrical panel upgrades (subpanel upgrade, central/common area panel).
Certain geographic areas have additional rebates available depending on factors such as air pollution, extreme hear, and high housing costs. These rebates are split into health upgrades, resilience to extreme heat upgrades, and housing affordability upgrades.
To get started, fill out the form at the bottom of this section, and a consultant will reach out to you to continue the process!​​
BAMBE Interest and Eligibility Form:
HEEHRA rebates can provide up to $14,000 per unit for a variety of improvements including:
heat pumps for air heating and cooling, heat pump water heaters, electric stoves, cooktops, ranges, or ovens, and heat pump clothes dryers and electrical upgrades​​
Some Moderate Income multifamily households ​are eligible if they exist within a Disadvantaged Community (DAC), however, there are no DAC's in the City of Albany according to the US Census.
If your building is a property which includes five or more residential units, and at least 66% of the tenants of the building are categorized as Low-Income (at or below 80% Area Mean Income), you qualify for HEERHA rebates.
​Tenants can determine whether they qualify as low income here​​​​​​​​​
To get started on the process of applying for HEEHRA rebates, use the application link down below.​
Multifamily Application Stage 1:
General FAQ
Why should I electrify? Swapping to electric equipment in your home can help protect you from utility volatility, as well as save money on water and energy bills! It also helps you become more environmentally friendly, and can reduce environmental risks like poor air quality inside your home.
How much does all this cost? The overall cost of electrification varies greatly depending on your location, how much you qualify for in rebates, the type of home you live in, and a number of other factors. often times though, electrifying your home actually tends to be less expensive than continuing to use non-electric options.
What is a heat pump? A heat pump is a device that move heat between indoor and outdoor spaces. Depending on whether you want a space to be warmer or cooler, the heat pump can either bring air indoors or push air outdoors. These devices are extremely well suited for California as they perform best in moderate climates.
Can I put heat pumps in an apartment building? You absolutely can! They are well suited for apartment buildings as they are energy efficient, quiet, easy to install, sustainable, and require little maintenance!