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Electric vehicles run on clean electricity, reduce regional air pollution, and can save you money on maintenance costs. 


Types of EV Chargers


Level 1 charging uses a standard 120 Volt outlet, such as the wall outlets throughout your home. It delivers 3-6 miles of range per hour of charging.


Level 2 charging uses a 240-Volt plug. This can be in the form of a special high-powered outlet or a charging station, both of which require special installation.  It can deliver 15-25 miles of range per hour of charging.  



















Federal Tax Credits

  • The Federal government offers a tax credit of up to $7,500 for the purchase of an electric vehicle

  • ​​You can also receive a tax credit of 30% (up to $1,000) on the hardware and installation costs of your home EV Charger.​


Clean Vehicle Rebate Project

  • offers a rebate of up to $7,000 for eligible vehicles


California Clean Fuel Reward

  • reduces the purchase price of an EV by up to $1,500 at participating retailers


Clean Vehicle Assistance Program

  • offers a grant of up to $5,000 for an electric vehicle and $2000 for the installation of a charger for individuals who meet an income requirement


Clean Cars for All

  • offers a grant of $5,500-9,500 for income eligible applicants when they retire their old vehicle (must be model year 2005 or older).



Costs and Savings


Electric Vehicle

Electric vehicles have come a long way in the last few years and are no longer new-fangled and expensive.  If you take the thousands of dollars in available rebates and tax credits into account, electric vehicles have the same average price as traditional cars.  

The models in the low-end of the cost range are about $35,000, while the average is about $50,000.  For comparison, traditional cars have an average price of $38,000. Now that EV's have been on the market for several years, there are also many used EV's available.


EV Charging Station Installation Cost

Level 1: Free! Almost every house has a standard wall outlet in the garage or near the driveway.  

Level 2: You can install either a charging station or 240-volt outlet in your home.  This comes with an installation cost which can vary widely based on the layout of your home and electrical system.  On average the cost ranges between $400-$1200.  Talk to a contractor for more information.


Fuel Savings

Fuel savings can vary widely based on the fuel economy of the gas and electric vehicles you compare, as well as the wild swings in gasoline costs.  However on average in Albany, gasoline fueled cars cost about 13 cents per mile, while Electric Vehicles cost about 6.5 cents per mile.  If you have solar panels, the cost to fuel your EV can drop to zero!  The savings from EV’s is likely to grow in the coming years as the price of gasoline continues to rise. 


To estimate your annual fuel savings with an EV, calculate your annual mileage and multiply it by $0.065.  If you have solar panels, multiply your mileage by $0.13.








Visit BayREN to find participating contractors that are specially trained to provide the highest quality service and installation ​for qualified home energy improvements. Participating BayREN contractors will also assist you through the rebate process to make sure you get the best price on your projects. 




Installing an electric vehicle charger requires a building permit.   To receive your permit, fill out this application and email it to  You can also submit this optional checklist with your application.

This is an over-the-counter permit that is typically issued within 1-2 business days.  Learn more about permits here.



Learn more about electric vehicles and other ways to lower your carbon footprint at Carbon Free Albany.


Total Costs
Total Saving

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